FloTHERM XT 2018 Download

FloTHERM XT 2018 is an application developed by Mentor Graphics, which is specialized in simulating heat transfer mechanisms and circuits in circuits and electronic components. The user interface used in FloTHERM XT 2018 is the familiar CAD interface that allows the user to use the complex geometry he needs and quickly design and produce the desired product.

Mentor Graphics FloTHERM XT 2018 is designed based on the design of the DNA chipping systems, which is one of FloTHERM’s unique technologies. The benefits of FloTHERM XT include having a lot of library for different simulations and more user access to design tools and SmartArt for modeling.

FloTHERM XT 2018 Download

In the new version of the software you can simulate the rotating parts in different electronic compartments, simulating temperature-dependent power, you can change the design of the existing components based on the parameters in the design and finally the best coverage Calculate the thermal simulation of components and components and check on electronic devices and apply in the design of aerospace, transportation, defense, and consumer industries.


  • Perform simulation of heat transfer in circuits and electronic components.
  • Analysis and analysis of heat transfer mechanisms in a piece.
  • Solving complex heat transfer equations.
  • Advanced CAD modeling.
  • Has an environment for analyzing heat materials.
  • Superior compatibility with PADS and IDF. Simple design for complex components.
  • High-speed design and calculation.
  • sufficient accuracy in calculations.
  • Ability to improve the design with the component check.
FloTHERM XT 2018 DownloadFloTHERM XT 2018 Download
FloTHERM XT 2018 Download For Windows

Specialized in simulating heat transfer mechanisms.

Software details
  • Developer :
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  • Compatibility :
    Windows 10 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1


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