Destroy Windows 10 Spying is one of the most impressive pc software for avoiding spying another one from your pc, so the goal of this software is avoiding your pc from spying, so this software is most important for that.
Before installing Destroy Windows 10 Spying 2018 we will share some impressive information about this software, Finally, In the file menu, You will see several options such as General, Tools, Plugins, Settings, About. You may be like another best privacy security, W10Privacy for Windows 10.
- [WARNING] Windows restore DISABLED.
- [INFO] UAC enable.
- [INFO] System info: Windows 10 Pro, version:17134.amd64free.rs4_release.180410-1804.
- [INFO] You are using the latest version of the program.
- Disable windows update.
- Enable windows defender.
- Enable windows update.
- Hosts manager.
In this option, you will see two parts.
Destroy windows spying settings
- Create a restore point.
- Delete keyboard and telemetry.
- Add spy domains to the host’s file.
- Add spy ip’s to windows firewall.
- Disable private settings.
- Disable windows defender.
- Set default photo viewer.
Other windows tweaks
- User account control switcher.
- Stop windows 10 tracking.
- Rid of several native Windows 10 programs.
- Remove one or more Windows 10 apps.
- Stop all processes related to any activity tracking.
- Clear or open hosts file.
- Access the Privacy options.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying is avoiding your pc from spying, so this software is most important for that.