Atmel Studio 7.0 is the name of an integrated (IDE) and powerful development environment for the programming of AVR and ARM microcontrollers. The microcontroller is the name of an electronic piece that is nowadays open in many electronic gadgets and can be seen in the functionality of many parts and gadgets.
Finally, Atmel Studio 7.0 from Getpczone designed to program AVR and ARM microcontrollers, which was previously released as AVR Studio. All in all, In the new version of Atmel Studio 32-64 Bits, users can also program ARM series microbes in addition to coding for AVR microcontrollers. The new version of Atmel Studio 7 allows you to encode and test the AVR microcontrollers and Atmel SMART MCUs in C / C ++ / Assembly languages in a beautiful environment.
- Support for 300 different types of AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
- Having a huge library of the source code, drivers, and over 1600 ready projects and examples.
- Ability to code and troubleshoot C / C ++ / Assembly languages and internal compiler.
- Having advanced tools for testing and troubleshooting.
- Have an integrated editor and graphical assistant.
- Accurate chip simulation and exact CPU model.
- Ability to configure and test wireless design.

Designed to program AVR and ARM microcontrollers.
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- Language :English
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- Compatibility :Windows 10 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1